
名古屋大学博物館報告 第38号

  • Bayart NADMID, Kazuhiro TSUKADA, Munkhtsetseg OIDOV, Sharav DAVAANYAM, Manchuk NURAMKHAAN, Lodoidanzan ALTANSUKH, Khishigbadam DAVGADORJ, and Kanta UMEDA
    Geochemistry and K-Ar age of the mafic rocks at the Uubulan area, Khangai-Daur belt, Central Asian Orogenic belt, central Mongolia

    vol.38, p.1-21. PDF (1.4 MB)
    DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.038.01

    This paper describes the whole-rock geochemical composition, clinopyroxene (Cpx) chemical composition, and the hornblende K-Ar age of the mafic rocks in the Carboniferous accretionary complex of the Khangai-Daur belt, Central Asian Orogenic belt, exposed at the Uubulan area of Mongolia. The geochemical nature of the mafic rocks, enriched in large ion lithophile elements and light rare-earth elements compared with high field-strength elements (HFSE) and heavy rareearth elements, suggest that they are alkaline basalts. The (La/Yb)cn vs. HFSE diagrams show that the samples are oceanic island basalts. Therefore, the mafic rocks are concluded to be oceanic-island alkaline basalts. The comparatively high concentrations of Al, Ti, Na, and Ca in the Cpx of the mafic rocks strongly support this view. The mafic rocks just beside the Upper Silurian radiolarian chert give a hornblende K-Ar age of 412.7±8.6 Ma. The fact that Upper Silurian chert strongly suggests that the oceanic-island alkaline basalts are conformably underlain by the radiolarian chert formed at the pelagic region as a base of oceanic plate stratigraphy.

  • 周戸 大季(SHUDO Hiroki)・桂 宗広(KATSURA Munehiro)
    Bird species observed in the Higashiyama campus, Nagoya University

    vol.38, p.23-33. PDF (1.5 MB)
    DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.038.02

    Here we report an inventory of the avian species arrived at the Higashiyama Campus of Nagoya University, Nagoya, during the annual research from March 2020 to February 2021. According to visual and auditory observation, 97 avian species belonging to 37 families and 15 orders were identified during this period. This report provides an important piece of information for bird records during migratory seasons in Nagoya city.


  • 梅村 綾子(UMEMURA Ayako)・宇治原 妃美子(UJIHARA Kimiko)
    The record of 27th Nagoya University Museum special exhibition
    Crystal Studies in Nagoya University ―Fascinating Facts from the Laboratories―

    vol.38, p.35-52. PDF (1.6 MB)
    DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.038.03

    Supporting information » PDF(5.35MB)

  • 鈴木 和博(SUZUKI Kazuhiro)・林 誠司(HAYASHI Seiji)・ 三村 耕一(MIMURA Kouichi)
    浜松市北区三ケ日町の秩父帯の石灰岩体から産出した ペルム紀アッセリアン中期―後期のコノドント
    Middle‒late Asselian conodonts discovered from the limestone body in the Chichibu Belt, Mikkabi, Hamamatsu, central Japan

    vol.38, p.53-60. PDF (1.2 MB)
    DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.038.04

    We investigated the limestone body in Mikkabi, Hamamatsu, central Japan, one of the limestone bodies in the Chichibu Belt. It is widely known that the limestone body here contains very few fossils. Detailed information on the deposition age of the body is still limited, although the deposition age was determined as the Early Permian by fusulinid biostratigraphy. In this study, we intended to find conodonts from the limestone body and to confirm the deposition age by conodonts. From five block samples of the limestone body, we extracted intact and fragmented conodonts and at least three species were determined by comparison with previous studies—Mesogondolella dentiseparata (middle-late Asselian), Mesogondolella sp., Neogondolella sp. (late Carboniferous-late Triassic), and Streptognathodus sp. (late Carboniferous–Artinskian). Our results suggest that the limestone body in the Mikkabi area was at least partly deposited in the middle–late Asselian.

  • 須賀 永帰(SUGA Eiki)・堀内 祐花(HORIUCHI Yuka)
    Exploring the site structure from the analysis of pottery at Tenjinyama site, Minamichita town, Aichi prefecture

    vol.38, p.61-87. PDF (2.5 MB)
    DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.038.05

    Tenjinyama archaeological site is located in Minamichita town of Aichi prefecture, Japan. In 1956, the site was excavated by the Department of Archaeology of Nagoya University. Jomon pottery of the Tenjinyama type that belongs to the later phase of Initial Jomon period was established from the archaeological pottery assemblages. However, the description of the excavation research and assemblages is yet to be reported. At the later phase of Initial Jomon period, the prehistoric surrounding environment was fluctuated, such as Jomon transgression and Kikai-Akahoya (K-Ah) eruption. The archaeological assemblages excavated from Tenjinyama site seem available for demonstrating behavioral changes during the environmental fluctuations. This study reports radiocarbon dates and stratigraphic contexts of lithic and pottery assemblages and examines the behavioral changes at the later phase of Initial Jomon period. Tenjinyama site was excavated by 10 cm arbitrary levels and by setting 11 grids, A–K. Pottery assemblages are changed through the stratigraphic layers. To divide into cultural layers from arbitrary layers, hierarchical cluster analysis was performed based on the frequency of pottery type. Technological attributes of pottery assemblages (thickness, shell striation, rim shape and temper) were compared during the cultural layers at B–C grids. As a result of cluster analysis, we classified into three cultural layers that consist of layers 1–7, 8–9 and 10–15, respectively. The total amount of pottery assemblages had been increasing between three cultural layers. It is possible that the utilization of Tenjinyama site had become vigorous until the abandonment of the site. Previous studies are different from our result in that Kikai-Akahoya (K-Ah) eruption negatively influenced the activities at the west side of Aichi prefecture. This study could provide a new viewpoint about behavioral changes at the later phase of Initial Jomon period.

    天神山遺跡は愛知県南知多町に所在する縄文時代早期後半の遺跡である.1956 年に名古屋大学文学部考古学研究室によって発掘調査が行われ,出土している縄文土器から,天神山式という東海地方の早期後半の示準となる土器型式が設定された.しかしながら,詳細な調査・資料の報告は刊行されていない.また,縄文時代早期後半はアカホヤ火山灰の降灰や縄文海進による海水面の上昇など,多くの環境変動が起こった時期でもある.天神山遺跡の資料は環境変動下における人類の行動変化を調べるうえで有効な資料であることが期待される.そこで本論では,出土した石器,土製品,土器の一部とその絶対年代を提示し,縄文時代早期後半の行動変化について考察する.天神山遺跡の調査はA–Kの11 区からなるトレンチを設定し,表土から10 cm ずつの最大15 層からなる人工層位で発掘し,出土土器は層位的に変化している.人工的に設定された分層を同じ時代ごとの土器群にまとめ直すために,土器型式別の質量比を用いた階層型クラスター分析を行った.さらに,文化層間でB区・C区出土土器の各属性も比較した.クラスター分析の結果,1–7 層の第1 文化層,8–9 層による第2 文化層,10–15 層からなる第3文化層の3 つに再分類できた.これらの文化層間では土器の総量が増え続けており,遺跡が廃絶するまでの間,遺跡の利用が活発化していた可能性を示唆している.要因に関してはまだ不明だが,本論では東海地方の縄文時代早期後半の人間集団の行動における新たな観点を提示することができた.

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